2021.02 Monthnote
March 21, 2021Half a Century Super late on these as I had a bit of time off to have my 50th birthday. 50! Could have sworn I was 30 about 5 minutes ago…
2021.01 Monthnote
January 31, 2021Back, back, back As they used to say in Smash Hits. Weeknotes don't really work for me, either too much to say (and felt like it needed…
Week 17-23
April 24, 2020Two and a bit months in and my brain has changed shape - went to get some bread and there was no queue, felt like I'd somehow broken the law…
Week 09-16
April 20, 2020Well, that escalated quickly I'm pretty sure the gap in the weeknotes was more to do with laziness than pandemics but I think it's a good…
Week 08
February 23, 2020(actually posted 24/03/2020, post coronavirus, how the world has changed!) Need to make up a week and Storythings were talking about formats…
Week 07
February 16, 2020Bit late this week but who cares. I wish it would stop raining. Creativity as Home Cooking Couple of good posts on creativity this week from…
Week 06
February 09, 2020The Good Place Finale The Good Place ended, and it was very good indeed. Having spent 3 years discussing ethics it finally got down to the…
Week 05
February 03, 2020End of the month, we did it! Feels like we’ve broken the back of the year, even though mathematically that makes no sense at all. Disaster…
Week 04
January 27, 2020January has been 2 months long. Catlina Upgraded some of the boxen I own to Catalina, now I get a passive agressive message in my terminal…
Week 03
January 20, 2020Still not drinking, it definitely has its benefits. You can just drive to the pub and then drive back again, amazing. I didn't really manage…
Week 02
January 13, 2020Phew, that first week back at work was strangely hard for no apparent reason, but we got through it. Second week of not drinking alcohol. It…
Half Time
January 05, 2020I feel like I've reached some kind of pivot point during this temporary autonomous zone. If I'm extremely optimistic * this is half time in…
Week 01
January 05, 2020Let’s try weeknotes again, this time without using the increasingly hostile Medium. This Week First half of the week was the null zone, didn…
January 04, 2020Got to start somewhere, so in the interest of actually starting at all let's start with a default Gatsby theme blog.